
Jupyter widgets for drawio.

class ipydrawio_widgets.widget_diagram.Diagram(**kwargs)#

Bases: DiagramBase, Box

A Drawio Diagram.

cell_ids TypedTuple()#
config Dict()#

drawio JSON Configuration

current_page Int(0)#

the current, 0-based, page index

grid_color Unicode('#66666666')#
grid_enabled Bool(True)#

show on-screen grid behind shapes (above background)

grid_size Float(10)#
page_format Dict()#

the physical size of the diagram media in milli-inches (or something): x, y, width, height

page_ids TypedTuple()#

known page ids

scroll_x Float(0.0)#

the current viewport scroll x position

scroll_y Float(0.0)#

the current viewport scroll y position

selected_cells TypedTuple()#
source Instance()#

a drawio xml document

url_params Dict()#

drawio URL params

zoom Float(0.0)#

the current zoom level

class ipydrawio_widgets.widget_diagram.DiagramBase(**kwargs)#

Bases: Widget

Module metadata for SVG.

class ipydrawio_widgets.widget_diagram.XML(**kwargs)#

Bases: DiagramBase, Widget

A Drawio XML-native Document.

value Unicode('<mxfile version="14.6.10">\n<diagram id="x" name="Page-1">\n  <mxGraphModel dx="1450" dy="467" grid="1" gridSize="10" guides="1" tooltips="1" connect="1" arrows="1" fold="1" page="1" pageScale="1" pageWidth="850" pageHeight="1100" math="0" shadow="0">\n  <root>\n    <mxCell id="0"/>\n    <mxCell id="1" parent="0"/>\n  </root>\n  </mxGraphModel>\n</diagram>\n</mxfile>\n')#